Angelic Upstarts - Guns For The Afghan Rebels download song

  • Artist: Angelic Upstarts
  • Song: Guns For The Afghan Rebels
  • Genre: Punk
  • Length: 02:44
  • Size: 6.4MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
Download Angelic Upstarts - Guns For The Afghan Rebels

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2021-07-19 09:28:11 | Profile
maybe they should change it to;bombs for the isis members


2021-06-13 11:56:26 | Profile
Thats why the left is so disgusting.

Сергей Мр.

2021-04-12 04:50:09 | Profile
did bin laden and the taliban do 9/11 though???

Jorge Remigio

2021-03-12 16:54:51 | Profile
(shared fgrom Angelic Upstarts)..  AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF THE ANGELIC UPSTARTS. PLEASE BUY OUR NEW ALBUM. actually no fuckin dont. if your one of the cunts who shares britain first posts, or any of there ilk, you know the sketch, proud to wear me crash helmet shite. i dont want to be your friend, i dont want you buying my t shirts, i dont want you attending our shows. just fuck off. when you have fucked off too your white enclosed utopia where you are friends with various ss battalions then fuck off again. if you imagine you can return think for a moment then fuck off again. punk opposed these cunts, we didnt suck coppers cocks or soldiered for the oppressors. i welcome different opinions, i dont welcome brain dead cunts who at the height of there brain function can repost some shit stirring shite from the bowels of the daily mail. dont do me any favours except one. fuck off.

Lorenzo Gonzalez

2020-11-23 00:43:19 | Profile
You do get this song is anti-islamist right?

marite hdz

2020-10-18 08:43:23 | Profile
Guns for the Kurdish rebels!

Sammy Asbury

2020-08-14 18:08:21 | Profile
Funny thing is 30 + years later we have taken guns, troops and god knows what else there. Violence solves nothing.

Leo Embrechts

2020-01-17 12:14:06 | Profile
Now would be a good time. Fuck the USA.

Кирилл Малеев

2019-12-24 23:12:27 | Profile
Now they are trying to get the guns back.