Bobby Timmons - Dat Dere download song

  • Artist: Bobby Timmons
  • Song: Dat Dere
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Length: 05:25
  • Size: 10.2MB
  • Bitrate: 256Kbps
Download Bobby Timmons - Dat Dere

Top songs Bobby Timmons

# Song Bitrate Length
1 Bobby Timmons - So Tired 320 06:19
2 Bobby Timmons - Datdere 256 05:25
3 Bobby Timmons - Samba Triste 320 03:19
4 Bobby Timmons - Know Not One 320 08:01


Sharon Azar

2019-11-05 01:27:37 | Profile
One of my favorite jazz tunes!


2019-10-16 14:51:51 | Profile
The trio Bobby Timmons piano Ron Carter bass and Albert " Toothie " Heath on drums case closed.


2019-07-13 02:58:55 | Profile
dat reference dere to Work Song was clever.

huge heph

2019-06-29 16:23:33 | Profile
why the fuck are there two dislikes?

CJ Williamson

2019-06-14 11:10:20 | Profile
who are the drummer and bass players?

Woody Held

2019-06-05 07:54:53 | Profile
Bobby Timmons - unsung! He wrote ‘Moanin’ - Charles Mingus did not! Can’t bear musicians not being credited. Although I guess the two compositions are different and Mingus had the right to choose exactly the same title for a song...hmmmmm.

disgutted :c

2019-05-12 03:10:03 | Profile
Bobby did not take care of the body he was so gifted with.