Marillion - He Knows You Know download song

  • Artist: Marillion
  • Song: He Knows You Know
  • Genre: Alternative
  • Length: 04:30
  • Size: 8.4MB
  • Bitrate: 256Kbps
  • Date:
  • Upload by: Kirill
Download Marillion - He Knows You Know

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9 Marillion - Childhood's End? 320 04:32
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Yulya Bygayeva

2020-05-29 20:38:37 | Profile
Twatted in Glyns attic listening to this (and more) back in the day.


2019-12-20 08:42:24 | Profile
I have to say I’ve never heard of this song but now that I’m hearing it all my God I’m fucking addicted

gator bridges

2019-09-24 01:59:20 | Profile
Loves putting the headphones on listening to this class

I.D. Suis

2019-09-05 12:32:30 | Profile
I know it’s a song about drugs but this song fits depression too. It’s a really well done song.

Matt Ransom

2019-07-13 08:26:03 | Profile
You should have listened to the Priest at the confession when he offerred you the sacred bread... if only we had.. but then hey..maybe we did not..

Gracy James

2019-07-03 13:53:56 | Profile
To all the people over the years who say Fish tried to replicate Peter Gabriel that is just complete and utter rubbish. Early Marillion and Genesis are the same genre but to say the two vocalists sound the same is just plain stupidity. Enjoy both bands for what they were/are.


2019-06-23 04:44:56 | Profile

Bryan Murphy

2019-06-12 04:16:10 | Profile
I always thpught Marillion was a Power Metal band...

Victoria Principle

2019-06-05 08:27:22 | Profile
Bought as a single in early 80s.loved then, love now. Great memories lying listening to this as a young teenage guy