Southbound 280 I travel towards Race St Traffic keeps me from the church
Where I plan to play games with others
Whose names I can’t follow
But faces stick to me Stronger then rice does that mom made when I was in school
Back to the church that is sitting on Race St I wait to play games with 9 others
A game that we learned as young children
But products have taught us that winning is better then fun as young children
And scuffling wins in the end
Play nice
The teacher in school gave us instructions but children in school grow up to be
cowboys who like to watch cattle be tortured for fun entertainment on this day
a game turns to fighting a black man landing on my upper lip formed from some
tissue I still feel a lump from where fist turns to a weapon on this day I wonder how fighting wins over a peace train a song with a vision much stronger
than my will could ask for lying here useless on this day where skies are much
bluer than oceans and mountains are closer than most things but I choose a blanket of warmth and a screen that could never fight back my thoughts are
including the church that is sitting on Race St. today