Renaissance - Can You Understand download song

  • Artist: Renaissance
  • Song: Can You Understand
  • Genre: R-n-b
  • Length: 10:48
  • Size: 12.7MB
  • Bitrate: 160Kbps
  • Date:
  • Upload by: Kirill
Download Renaissance - Can You Understand

Top songs Renaissance

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6 Renaissance - Mr.Pine 256 06:59
7 Renaissance - Innocence 320 07:08
8 Renaissance - In My Life 256 05:27
9 Renaissance - Hold On 256 04:56
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11 Renaissance - Blood Silver Like Moonlight 320 05:16
12 Renaissance - I Am (Waiting) 320 03:15


Nasser Dubauree

2020-07-29 05:09:25 | Profile
Have every Renaissance album on vinyl.


2020-01-17 09:11:56 | Profile
i remember sitting in a small club in san diego with only a few folks and them doing a concert for us and giving it their all... hung out with the band and had a beer backstage after with John Tout who was very friendly talking about how he came to play with the band...a lovely memory

NextPlay BR

2019-11-08 11:14:19 | Profile
This song with Full Size Headphones on just blows me away

Rosa Guaico

2019-05-15 19:22:05 | Profile
A good group of fascinated. Perfect. Thank you for beautiful. Your poems are great. Delicious. Thank you. You are fabulous. Pena Gil


2019-05-08 03:22:27 | Profile
She was like the female robert plant.