Rescuer - Locked Inside download song

  • Artist: Rescuer
  • Song: Locked Inside
  • Genre: Indie
  • Length: 02:10
  • Size: 5.1MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
Download Rescuer - Locked Inside

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5 Rescuer - Only With You 192 03:29


Sebastião Pimentel

2021-10-09 13:57:03 | Profile
exactly! i thought is was oli sykes

Gaber mashi

2020-09-30 07:25:00 | Profile
i love how the vocal souns in the sencond 0:30.... their vocals fucking awsome...i thought it kynda sounds like oliver sykes!!

blue_wolf _xD

2020-09-06 16:17:37 | Profile
This band is effing sweet.

Olena Olesandra

2020-08-22 07:02:36 | Profile
Followers take their word like the word of a god, but what they fail to realize is that they bring a plague on society. A plague that could easily be abolished. Their eyes are closed. Their mind is closed. Locked inside. These outdated opinions are the downfall to American freedom. <3

Intan Diamond Dust

2020-07-28 15:17:40 | Profile
god fuck this is how i wanna write music........... they just inspired me more :)

Rob Moir

2020-04-01 00:58:02 | Profile
good for you rise! finally signing another genre!! lol seriously a good move..

Timothy Strange

2020-03-27 04:07:49 | Profile
These are more melodic hardcore vocals, not much to do with metal. You just sound silly with what you said.

Beatriz Carriço

2020-02-14 06:46:09 | Profile
finally rise has more original shit now

Khaden Davis

2020-01-13 08:19:06 | Profile
Sounds like the Tasmanian devil stubbed his toe. The metal standards of vocals had degenerated long ago. All we get is emo kids trying to scream hard. Nothing good ever comes out nowadays. Sucks =(