Testament - The Persecuted Won't Forget download song

  • Artist: Testament
  • Song: The Persecuted Won't Forget
  • Genre: Metal
  • Length: 05:53
  • Size: 13.8MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
Download Testament - The Persecuted Won't Forget

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Mean Ken-Sung

2020-08-13 22:57:50 | Profile
finally i found this song, is awesome

Ophelie Lepretre

2020-07-14 02:22:11 | Profile
I saw them live for the slayer tour!!!

R1c4rd0 H3nr1qu3

2019-07-13 08:18:32 | Profile
Fuck me.... This is fucking Scary!!!!!!

Maritza Alban

2019-06-17 21:59:53 | Profile
god this song is insane

Markus Müller

2019-06-02 18:48:53 | Profile
i strongly think Michael from A.E was inspired by this initial theme in composing "blood on your hands"

Henri Etoundi

2019-06-02 02:18:06 | Profile
One of the best metal songs ever from one of the best metal albums ever. Intro just mindblowing.

Camila Picasso

2019-05-23 19:31:11 | Profile
only testament very good song.the best in their career

megu ono

2019-05-07 19:35:11 | Profile
Social unrest... who labeled me the enemy?