Достон Каримов 2021-03-30 08:30:45 | Profile Calli had the best rocking bands in the 80s and still does.
Mariarosaria Bruno 2021-02-27 20:19:14 | Profile My favorite song from the band. Exquisite in an X kind of way.
Def Bone 2021-02-18 12:10:08 | Profile I had the awesome experience to meet Exene and John Doe in Iowa (Seperate occasions). They are both very cool to talk to even after I make things awkward. Oh and this is my favorite X song.
M. Baran Say 2019-11-18 05:12:00 | Profile "Life turned and wandered, never to come back again"I feel humbled when I read a beautiful lyric like that.